GIS vector files
read_file (filename[, bbox, mask, rows, engine]) | Returns a GeoDataFrame from a file or URL. |
GeoDataFrame.to_file (filename[, driver, …]) | Write the GeoDataFrame to a file. |
read_postgis (sql, con[, geom_col, crs, …]) | Returns a GeoDataFrame corresponding to the result of the query string, which must contain a geometry column in WKB representation. |
GeoDataFrame.to_postgis (name, con[, schema, …]) | Upload GeoDataFrame into PostGIS database. |
read_feather (path[, columns]) | Load a Feather object from the file path, returning a GeoDataFrame. |
GeoDataFrame.to_feather (path[, index, …]) | Write a GeoDataFrame to the Feather format. |
read_parquet (path[, columns, storage_options]) | Load a Parquet object from the file path, returning a GeoDataFrame. |
GeoDataFrame.to_parquet (path[, index, …]) | Write a GeoDataFrame to the Parquet format. |