Shapely 1.8.5 中文文档

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  3. Shapely 1.8.5 中文文档
  4. User Manual
  5. Predicates and Relationships(谓词和关系)
  6. DE-9IM Relationships(DE九交模型关系)

DE-9IM Relationships(DE九交模型关系)

The relate() method tests all the DE-9IM 4 relationships between objects, of which the named relationship predicates above are a subset.


  • object.relate(other)

Returns a string representation of the DE-9IM matrix of relationships between an object’s interior, boundary, exterior and those of another geometric object.


The named relationship predicates (contains(), etc.) are typically implemented as wrappers around relate().


Two different points have mainly F (false) values in their matrix; the intersection of their external sets (the 9th element) is a 2 dimensional object (the rest of the plane). The intersection of the interior of one with the exterior of the other is a 0 dimensional object (3rd and 7th elements of the matrix).


>>> Point(0, 0).relate(Point(1, 1))

The matrix for a line and a point on the line has more “true” (not F) elements.

一条直线和直线上的一个点的矩阵有更多的非 F值。

>>> Point(0, 0).relate(LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1)]))
  • object.relate_pattern(otherpattern)

Returns True if the DE-9IM string code for the relationship between the geometries satisfies the pattern, otherwise False.


The relate_pattern() compares the DE-9IM code string for two geometries against a specified pattern. If the string matches the pattern then True is returned, otherwise False. The pattern specified can be an exact match (01 or 2), a boolean match (T or F), or a wildcard (*). For example, the pattern for the within predicate is T*****FF*.


>>> point = Point(0.5, 0.5)
>>> square = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)])
>>> square.relate_pattern(point, 'T*****FF*')
>>> point.within(square)

Note that the order or the geometries is significant, as demonstrated below. In this example the square contains the point, but the point does not contain the square.


>>> point.relate(square)
>>> square.relate(point)

Further discussion of the DE-9IM matrix is beyond the scope of this manual. See [4] and


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