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  6. Voronoi Diagram(泰森多边形)

Voronoi Diagram(泰森多边形)

The voronoi_diagram() function in shapely.ops constructs a Voronoi diagram from a collection points, or the vertices of any geometry.


(Source codepnghires.pngpdf)

  • shapely.ops.voronoi_diagram(geomenvelope=Nonetolerance=0.0edges=False)

Constructs a Voronoi diagram from the vertices of the input geometry.


The source may be any geometry type. All vertices of the geometry will be used as the input points to the diagram.


The envelope keyword argument provides an envelope to use to clip the resulting diagram. If None, it will be calculated automatically. The diagram will be clipped to the larger of the provided envelope or an envelope surrounding the sites.


The tolerance keyword argument sets the snapping tolerance used to improve the robustness of the computation. A tolerance of 0.0 specifies that no snapping will take place. The tolerance argument can be finicky and is known to cause the algorithm to fail in several cases. If you’re using tolerance and getting a failure, try removing it. The test cases in tests/ show more details.


If the edges keyword argument is False a list of Polygon`s will be returned. Otherwise a list of `LineString edges is returned.


>>> from shapely.ops import voronoi_diagram
>>> points = MultiPoint([(0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2), (2, 2), (3, 1), (1, 0)])
>>> regions = voronoi_diagram(points)
>>> list(regions.geoms)
[<POLYGON ((2 1, 2 0.5, 0.5 0.5, 0 1, 1 2, 2 1))>,
 <POLYGON ((6 -3, 3.75 -3, 2 0.5, 2 1, 6 5, 6 -3))>,
 <POLYGON ((-3 -3, -3 1, 0 1, 0.5 0.5, 0.5 -3, -3 -3))>,
 <POLYGON ((0.5 -3, 0.5 0.5, 2 0.5, 3.75 -3, 0.5 -3))>,
 <POLYGON ((-3 5, 1 5, 1 2, 0 1, -3 1, -3 5))>,
 <POLYGON ((6 5, 2 1, 1 2, 1 5, 6 5))>]
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