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  5. Other Transformations(其他转换)

Other Transformations(其他转换)

Shapely supports map projections and other arbitrary transformations of geometric objects.


  • shapely.ops.transform(funcgeom)

Applies func to all coordinates of geom and returns a new geometry of the same type from the transformed coordinates.


func maps x, y, and optionally z to output xp, yp, zp. The input parameters may be iterable types like lists or arrays or single values. The output shall be of the same type: scalars in, scalars out; lists in, lists out.

func将x, y,和可选的z映射到输出xp, yp, zp。输入参数可以是可迭代的类型,如列表或数组或单个值。输出应是相同的类型:标量输入,标量输出;列表输入,列表输出。

transform tries to determine which kind of function was passed in by calling func first with n iterables of coordinates, where n is the dimensionality of the input geometry. If func raises a TypeError when called with iterables as arguments, then it will instead call func on each individual coordinate in the geometry.


New in version 1.2.18.

For example, here is an identity function applicable to both types of input (scalar or array).


def id_func(x, y, z=None):
    return tuple(filter(None, [x, y, z]))

g2 = transform(id_func, g1)

If using pyproj>=2.1.0, the preferred method to project geometries is:


import pyproj

from shapely import Point
from shapely.ops import transform

wgs84_pt = Point(-72.2495, 43.886)

wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326')
utm = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:32618')

project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, utm, always_xy=True).transform
utm_point = transform(project, wgs84_pt)

It is important to note that in the example above, the always_xy kwarg is required as Shapely only supports coordinates in X,Y order, and in PROJ 6 the WGS84 CRS uses the EPSG-defined Lat/Lon coordinate order instead of the expected Lon/Lat.

需要注意的是,在上面的例子中,需要always_xy参数,因为Shapely只支持X、Y顺序的坐标,而在PROJ6中,WGS84 CRS使用EPSG定义的Lat/Lon坐标顺序,而不是预期的Lon/Lat。

If using pyproj < 2.1, then the canonical example is:

如果使用 pyproj < 2.1,那么典型的例子是:

from functools import partial
import pyproj

from shapely.ops import transform

wgs84 = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')
utm = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:32618')

project = partial(

utm_point = transform(project, wgs84_pt)

Lambda expressions such as the one in


g2 = transform(lambda x, y, z=None: (x+1.0, y+1.0), g1)

also satisfy the requirements for func.


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